New Multimedia Auditoriums in Amritsar has been inaugurated by Sukhbir Singh Badal. These Auditoriums have been developed to spread awareness about the Sikh religion to the visiting tourists. Special shows about Sikh religion in different languages will be run from time to time in during day time, to educated tourists. SGPC is planning to add more European Languages apart from Hindi, Punjabi and English language.
Government of Punjab under the ruling SAD, has already spent crores of Rupees for developing Historical monuments and places to educate younger generation about the rich history of Punjab. Special emphasis is on developing Sikh historical places and monuments. Heritage plaza at Golden Temple Amritsar is one of the examples. Here at Golden temple there is complete change and those who have been visiting Golden Temple, said they have notices huge difference in the place.
Punjab government is developing Amritsar as tourist place and many projects are coming up Amritsar, like Amritsar airport, Heritage Plaza, special gate was constructed at the entrance of the city to welcome tourist to Amritsar. In the last 3 months as per government stats, there is increase of around 60% in the tourist coming to Golden Temple, who are coming to Amritsar city.
SAD-BJP is contesting elections in Punjab by making development as main issue in the state. We have been watching many documentaries and newspaper ads by ruling party , projecting and showing development projects initiated by them. This includes power surplus state, big clean roads, bridges and over bridges.
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