CCTV Camera’s new invigilators for Punjab students
Punjab is famous for cheating or more precisely chit-ing. Unfair means are used not only general exams but board exams are not a different case at all. A common practice to pass out eighth , tenth or ten plus two exams , is to get passing marks by hook or crook.
Not only students, but their parents don’t mind at all , if they get a chance to unfair means of getting passing marks. Teachers and board staff are bribed to get thing smoother and easier. Although not all teachers or board staff members are involved in such practices but few are definitely part of this network.
For the last so many years different methods have been adopted by the Punjab government to get rid of this problem, which included flying staff, which use to visit randomly the exam centers and tries to catch those involved in malpractices , setting up different copies of exam papers, enforcing 144 of IPC which do not allow gathering of more than four people in or around the examination hall.
This time Punjab government is going hitech, as gadgets like camera’s have been allocated the job of invigilators to keep check on malpractices adopted by students. Another gadget Jammer , which intercepts mobile signals, is also planned for few examination hall.
Mobile phones have been used , better to say misused by students in exams for the last few years. Bad thing is mobile phones were entering examination halls even there are adequate arrangements of security and frisking.
Apart from these gadgets , government should enhance the teaching methods, and should also start orientation and guidance programs for students to guide and educate them about the bad effects of unfair means used in exams.
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