Do you believe that Hindi can replace English??
Those in influential positions often claim that they will promote Hindi in their state. They also vehemently argue that Hindi should be given its due as a national language. However, when it comes to educating their own wards, why is it that they prefer to send them to English-medium schools?
For the last many years, some people have been arguing that Hindi should take the place of English. Come September and these people celebrate Hindi Day with gusto. To mark this day, programmes are organised, poems and songs in Hindi are recited, and every year fresh schemes and plans are made to elevate Hindi to the status of English.
These votaries of Hindi are enthusiastic about sending their wards to study in English-medium schools. Deep down they know that theere is no alternative to this international language that has been popular throughout the globe for centuries.
The reasons that go in favour of English are many. English is the only language that virtually helps to build the personality of a learner on a sound footing, making him confident. Such is the value of English even in India, one could not help wondering while entering the portals of that premier English institute. Leave alone give suitable equivalents of technical words in Hindi, even words of common use are not that comprehensive and readily available in Hindi as they are in English.
There is no doubt that we Indians too have sufficient worth and rare potential and that India surely deserves the rightful place to be a great nation. What, then, is the hitch? The only hitch is that in a roundabout manner, sincere and hard- working people are made to languish by shrewd politicians (though all of them can’t be called shrewd). People become weak, miserable and feel at a disadvantage on account of their unfulfilled longings and simply keep on pining.
The practically proved truth is that there is certainly no alternative to English language. English alone can go a long way in serving all the purposes in every field of knowledge and activity. Otherwise, why should there be massive enrolment of students in English-medium schools?
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