New finance Minister Manpreet refused security
Setting up his standards , refused not only to take security but also official car with red beacon. He did same when he was finance minister with Badal government. He always came forward to set an example for others to follow, as Indian politics is moving towards new change of saving public money and unnecessary show off, which cost a lot to common public tax money.
Punjab Congress which swept the elections this year , by getting clear two third majority has clearly written its election manifesto, not to put on red beacon lights on the official car tops.
Congress Punjab chief and now chief minister of Punjab, captain Amarinder Singh has declared before the elections that their government will get rid of red beacon light culture. Finance minister , Manpreet Badal tool step ahead and refused to take even offical car and security cover too.
In an interview with media , he said , he can afford a car and other facilities, because he is well off background and is financially very sound. He said its not necessary that all of elected ministers do the same, because he feel, if someone can’t afford expenses, government should pay for them.
He said car is not a big deal these days, he quoted example of small Pan seller who also posses car these days. He said, he will like to work for state and country without looking at his self interests.
When asked that India is moving towards new culture of politics ,where politicians will be forced to shun all official facilities and work only for public not for themselves, he replied quoting example of Mahatma Gandhi, who he said can eastily afford long shirt called Kurta, but he moved without wearing Kurta.
He said Gandhi knew that seventy percent Indian can’t afford proper clothing, so he moved around without covering his upper body.
Manpreet was asked about his plan to get Punjab out of the debt , he said, its a difficult job, but not impossible to do. He said, captain Amarinder singh’s team, including himself, will try to reduce expenses and at the same time will try to increase the revenue of the state government.
Praising Congress party chief Rahul Gandhi, Manpreet singh said, he is very nice person, who really care for country and its people. He said Rahul care for his cadres and is worried about Punjab too.
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