One more debt-ridden Farmer from Sangrur commit suicide
Farmer from Ramgarh sandhuan village of Sangrur, committed suicide because of financial problem. This is not the new case of suicide, farmers have been committing suicide in Punjab in the recent years because of the same financial problems.
Mahinder singh who was into farming was just 48 years of age, have taken some poisonous substance to end his life because he owe money to banks and cooperative societies.
He was poor farmer with just four acres of land , he was running his family expenses by farming on this small piece of land. Year after because of poor productivity and sometimes destruction of crops due to natural reasons, his financial conditions became more and more worse.
He was depressed because of loan he has taken from financial institutions, and day came when he decided not to take it anymore and only way out for him was to commit suicide.
Farmers from his village who know him told the whole story , how he use to tell them that he won’t be able to get rid of this loan. He also used to told them that he is worried about his children as he won’t be able to carry on with educational expenses.
He was worried about his family and use to say that he will commit suicide one day.
People of the village said that government is responsible for the all the suicides by farmers in the state. They also demanded economical help for Mahinder’s family from the Punjab government. His loan should be waved off.
Many farmer associations in Punjab are demanding permanent solution for helping farmers for financial assistance and other schemes to save them from taking extreme steps.
Government launched certain schemes for the welfare of farmers and their families but those seems to be not sufficient or effective as farmers are committing suicides in state and we are getting regular news of such cases. What is the price of farmer in Punjab few lakhs. Yes 3 to 7 lakhs of debt , is killing farmers of our state.
Few months back another farmer along with his mother committed suicide in front of whole village in the presence of police because he was suppose to pay debt for just 3 lakhs. He was Baljit singh from jodhpur village in Barnala, was just 30 years of age.
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